Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wildlife and other happenings

Clearly frequent updates is something I need to keep working on!
Yesterday was an interesting animal day for us! I was sitting at the desk sort of absent mindedly staring out the window when i noticed an animal that looked like squirrel but then it hit me that we very rarely see squirrels here and this is actually something different - maybe like a mongoose or an African squirrel or who knows! I grabbed the camera to take a picture but of course it had disappeared before I got outside but when i was looking around for it I heard a rustling pretty close to my feet and looked over at a huge lizard! I have pictures but they are still on the camera so will have to be sent later.

Meanwhile at work John had a patient bring him two live pigeons as an appreciation gift! Although he did really appreciate the gracious gesture it was still a little odd to handle 2 birds in his exam room! I guess they set them on the exam table first but they pooped everywhere and fell off!So Then they put them in a bag. John said this man's immune system is in pretty bad shape and he definately did not need to be handling birds!!! Thankfully, John was also able to pass them on to another family who needed food later in the day!
In other events: Karis's nightime routine has improved remarkably now that we have been home a few weeks. As she can climb out of any crib she is sleeping on a mattress on the floor till we get her a bed (should come tomorrow) and is also learning more words daily and increasing her song repertoire. She now sings the first few lines of Twinkle, twinkle little star, the ABCs and the eieio of Old Macdonald.
We have also discovered Instant Messenger on Yahoo. This has both increased our ability to communicate and sucked away hours of our life (and well worth it)

1 comment:

Mom of 3+1 said...

what is your username for instant messanger. i would love to chat with you sometime. - Erin